Moles vs. JMockit Comparison


This document compares two similar test double injection frameworks: JMockit for Java and Moles for C#.   We created a set of use cases that capture most/many of the things programmers have to do when unit testing code with test doubles.   We then attempted to create a test case in each framework to demonstrate each use case.

The JMockit test cases can be found in our JMockit Evaluation.   If you're unfamiliar with JMockit, you may want to start with our JMockit: The Basics.

The Moles test cases can be found in our Moles Evaluation.   If you're unfamiliar with Moles, you may want to start with our Pex & Moles: The Basics.   Pex is a complimentary framework for parameterized unit testing, but since there is no Pex equivalent for JMockit, we do not cover Pex outside of that document.

The result of this document summarizes the results of both evaluations and draws some higher-level conclusions on their relative merits.

Evaluation Results

Our common set of use cases as well as the ability to achieve each use case with JMockit and Moles is summarized in this table.

Inject test doubles without changing the API
Replace final/non-virtual functions with test doubles
Replace static functions with test doubles
Replace constructors with test doubles
Replace anonymous inner/nested classes with test doubles
Replace inaccessible (e.g., private) inner/nested classes with test doubles
Replace subclass and superclass functions with test doubles
Test doubles can delegate to real instance
Hand-coded test doubles can be injected.
Test double injection can be toggled
Test double injection can be narrowly targeted
YES (brittle) YES (brittle)
Replace any implementation of an interface with a test double
Safely replace a class library class with a test double
YES (brittle)
YES (brittle)
14 Inject async-friendly test doubles
15 Inject thread-friendly test doubles
NO (crashes)
16 Associate failed assertions in test doubles with test cases in the same thread
17 Associate failed assertions in test doubles with test cases in different threads NO
NO (crashes)


The first thing to note is how similar both frameworks' capabilities are.   They share similar strengths and weaknesses though they make use of different mechanisms.

Both frameworks allow injection of test doubles into the code under test without having to modify the code under test's public API.   This in our view is the chief limitation of dependency injection/inversion of control frameworks like Guice and Spring.   These frameworks add complexity to the code by introducing additional levels of indirection and also break down the compartmentalization provided by private data members.   While they may be appropriate for larger components, our concern is that using them to test every class in isolation from its dependencies would create an unmanagebly complex code base.

Furthermore both framworks allow test doubles to be introduced for final/sealed classes, static functions, and constructors.   They are not limited to extension or realization of open classes, abstract classes, and interfaces the way some dependency injection frameworks are.

Both frameworks are similarly limited when it comes to injecting test doubles for symbols that are inaccessible to the test code (e.g., private members of the code under test).   In the JMockit case it is because code that references these symbols in order to tell the JMockit runtime to replace them with test doubles won't compile.   In the Moles case it is because Moles only generates 'Moles Types' for publicly accessible members of each class it stubs.

Both frameworks pass the real instance to the test double so the test double can delegate to it.

Both frameworks support the injection of arbitrary hand-coded test doubles.   For JMockit, this is the common case.   For Moles, this can be achieved by having the generated Moles Types (stubs) delegate to a hand-coded test double.   With this both frameworks can support test doubles that call back on the code under test.   This is important for testing increasingly popular asynchronous APIs.

Both frameworks are similarly limited when it comes to scoping the injection of test doubles.   In both cases injection can be modified between calls to the class under test, but inside the call all transitive calls to the real dependency will be redirected to the test double.   While the programmer has some ability to restrict when the test double is invoked by counting the number of times its called or by comparing the arguments that are passed to it, this approach is sensitive to minor changes in the class under test (e.g., another call to the dependency is introduced which breaks the count).

While both frameworks allow replacement of core classes / classes from the class library, because of the scoping problem this can be dangerous.   Core classes are more likely to be used by many of a class's dependencies.   If the dependencies are not fully mocked and they share the same test double, care has to be taken by the programmer to ensure that the test double is compatible with all dependencies.

Neither framework can replace an unknown implementation with a test double.   That is, calls to any implementation of an interface or abstract class cannot be redirected to the same test double.   Instead test doubles can only replace specifically designated classes.  

Similarly, both frameworks require the programmer to specify the exact class in the inheritance hierarchy that declares the symbol to be replaced with a test double.   If a test double for a derived class replaces a symbol declared in a base class, JMockit requires the programmer to associate the test double with the base class, not the derived class.   In addition to being inconvenient, it's somewhat brittle since it's sensitive to movement of symbols across the inheritance hierarchy that is common in refactoring.   Moles has a similar limitation in that the Moles Types (stubs) it generates only have symbols that match the public symbols declared in each real class.   Moles Types do not have injection points for inherited members.

Finally, both frameworks had poor support for testing multithreaded code.   Moles instrumented test cases actually crashed Visual Studio when executed by multiple threads.   While JMockit performed more reliably, it was not able to associate test doubles with specific threads.   Instead all threads shared the same test double instance.   Also, while this is a property of the TestNG Java unit testing framework and not JMockit, failed assertions in background threads were not associated with the test case that spawned them  nor were they considered failures by the unit test framework.


Other than Moles' poorer performance under multithreaded conditions, we can summarize their differences as:  Moles is harder than JMockit to learn but once learnt is more natural to use.

While we got the basics of JMockit working in less than a day, thanks in part to copious online and Open Source documentation, it took a full week to get Moles working.   The documentation for Moles is unfortunately sorely lacking.   While the Moles maintainers produced multiple guides to using Moles, they all referenced the same examples which in turn had the same gaps.    As a result we put extra effort into our Pex & Moles: The Basics guide because we know of no other resource that shows you how to setup Moles without omitting important steps like configuring Moles to stub out a referenced assembly, importing the namespace for the generated stubs into the test case, and building the project before trying to reference any generated stubs.

Once the basics were learnt, however, Moles pulled ahead of JMockit.   Moles did not require any strange language tricks to introduce test doubles.   Moles test cases would look like typical C# code to a C# programmer unfamiliar with Moles.    JMockit on the other hand made use of constructions that, while they compiled, would look very strange to a Java programmer unfamiliar with JMockit.

To illustrate our point, consider this example from the in-depth evaluations.   This is how one could replace a final/sealed dependency with a test double using Moles:

    public class ClassTest02
        public void test()
            MDependency02.AllInstances.generate = _ => 123;
            Class02 clazz = new Class02();

            Assert.AreEqual(2 * 123, clazz.generate());
Of course you have to be familiar with lambda expressions, but at least these are part of the C# language.   Compare the Moles test case to the corresponding JMockit test case:
public class ClassTestAlternative {
    public void testIt() {
        new MockUp<Dependency>() {
            public int generate() {
                return 123;

        Class clazz = new Class();

        assert 123 * 2 == clazz.generate();
Java programmers rarely instantiate objects yet assign them to nothing.   JMockit unfortunately makes repeated use of this idiom.   Here is another example pulled from their online documentation:
   public void doSomethingHandlesSomeCheckedException() throws Exception
      new Expectations() {
         DependencyAbc abc;

            new DependencyAbc();

            abc.intReturningMethod(); result = 3;

            returns("str1", "str2");
            result = new SomeCheckedException();

      new UnitUnderTest().doSomething();
It doesn't look like valid Java but it is.  A programmer joining an existing project that has already setup Moles should be able to get the hang of Moles after seeing a few examples.   A programmer joining an existing JMockit project, however, would probably have to reread the online documentation several times before figuring out how to work with it.

Moles accomplishes much with a few constructions.   JMockit accomplishes much with a large collection of ad hoc constructions.   A little bit of JMockit knowledge does not generalize as well as a little bit of Moles knowledge.

Yes, these observations are subjective.


Once familiar with test double injection frameworks like Moles and JMockit, it's hard to imaging unit testing code of any complexity without one.   Yet these frameworks such as these are relatively new, having been introduced more a decade after the JUnit was introduced in 1997.  

Without frameworks such as these or support in the language itself, programmers had to resort to passing in test doubles in manually or via dependency injection frameworks like Guice and Spring.   It was unfortunate that before these frameworks were introduced core principles of simplicity and compartmentalization/data hiding had to be violated in order to make code unit testable.

Perhaps now that new programming languages are incorporating unit testing into the language itself, we can next look forward to programming language support for injection of test doubles.